Thursday, April 26, 2012

Why won't my pc recognize my video card?

I just got a new case, the cooler master elite 310, I transferred everything, got it to start, but now my pc won't regognize my card! The video card fan comes on and everything seems to work fine, by my monitor says no input signal, I checked the cords and everythig. Help!|||You probably plugged it in to the onboard graphics connector LOL. Or better yet, the PC isnt even booting properly because you didnt connect something properly.Do you even hear any bios beep codes? If not, you have a bigger problem than a graphics card|||Re seat the video card. Take it out and insert it. It could make a clicking sound.Also make sure that the cable on both ends of the video card and monitor are not damaged like the wires pins being bent for example.

There may be some other loose cables or connections so look very closely.

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